How Does Multifrax™ Works?
Fractional laser therapy uses a laser beam to create tiny wounds in the skin, which triggers the body's natural healing response.
The laser energy is delivered in a fractionated manner, meaning that it is delivered in small columns or "microbeams" rather than as a continuous beam, leaving some of the surrounding tissue untouched. This allows the surrounding healthy tissue to promote faster healing and reduce the recovery time.
When the laser energy is delivered to the skin, it is absorbed by the water in the skin. The heat generated by the laser energy causes the tissue in the microbeams to vaporize, creating tiny wounds in the skin. These wounds stimulate the body's natural healing response, which leads to the production of new collagen.
New collagen production improves the skin's texture and elasticity, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, and can improve the overall appearance of acne scars and pigmentation.
Fractional laser therapy is a non-invasive or minimally invasive procedure, so the recovery time is shorter compared to traditional resurfacing lasers.
Obviously different types of fractional laser have different characteristics and different indications, but the essential process is more or less the same. So the next question comes to mind:
Why Multifrax™? Why is it better?
Well, for starters it is 5-6 times cheaper than the old bulky lasers, such as Fraxel. The cost is lower simply because of advances in electronics industry and have nothing to do with the quality of the device. The lower price of the device means the treatment costs could be significantly lower.
But the most important reason is the new and completely different laser source. The electronic component producing laser beam used in Multifrax™ has been developed very recently specifically for Multifrax™ lasers and is not available in any other products on the market today. This new smaller laser source is capable of producing very thin laser beam, which does not gets dispersed as the case with all other fractional lasers, because of the proximity of the source from the skin. As a result - it's less painful while delivers the same amount of laser energy compared to all other dermatology lasers.